Dry fruits are traditionally known to be a powerhouse nutrient. they are set to provide us with a host of health benefiting properties if eaten in moderation. They also boost immunity and prevent lifestyle diseases. Let’s focus on commonly available and super notorious dry fruits like

Almonds – Being naturally high in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and Vitamin E, almonds help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Presences of magnesium and potassium also help to maintain normal blood pressure and heart function. High dietary fibre, proteins and good fats present in almonds makes you feel fuller and thus helps to avoid overeating.

(*Recommended Serving – 1 to 6)

Walnuts – These brown and crunchy delights are treating to the taste buds. They have the number of neuroprotective compounds such as Vitamin E, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Anti-Oxidants which helps to enhance cognitive function. They help to fight stress and promote a sense of calm. Walnuts are rich in B- Vitamins and Anti-oxidants that fight free radical damage thus delaying and helping prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.

(*Recommended Serving – 1 to 2)

Pistachio Nuts – Pistachio is amongst the most anti-oxidant rich nuts around. They are high in lutein and Zeaxanthin both of which promotes Eye health. They play an important role in promoting blood vessels health that because they are rich in L-Arginine which when converted into nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels. Pistachio has a low glycemic index which might promote lower sugar levels.

(*Recommended Serving – 1 to 10)

Cashew Nuts – Cashew are an excellent source of vitamins (E, K & B-6), phosphorus, zinc and magnesium making it beneficial for health. It helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and improves heart health. Adding limited quantity to your regular diet helps in weight management as it contains a good amount of healthy fats which gives a feeling of being full and satiated and prevents overeating.

(*Recommended Serving – 1 to 6)

Peanuts – Although peanuts are technically legume which means that they belong to a group of foods, plant family, most people consider as a nut. Peanuts have a strong nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of plant-based protein, fibre and many key vitamins and minerals that makes a person feel fuller for longer. Peanuts contain a range of polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids and amino acids that are beneficial for health.

(*Recommended Serving – 1 to 10)