Tabba Kidney


The International Pediatric Urology Course: A Transformative Experience at Tabba Kidney Institute


The International Pediatric Urology Course (IPUIC) is a prestigious annual event hosted at the Tabba Kidney Institute (TKI) in Karachi. This course aims to provide a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on surgical experience, offering participants the rare opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading pediatric urologists.

The Second IPUIC: A Detailed Overview

Dates and Directors

The second IPUIC took place from January 15th to 18th, 2024. This year, the course was directed by an esteemed panel of experts, including:

  1. Dr. Serdar Tekgul: President of ESPU, Turkey.
  2. Dr. Emilio Merlini: Former President of the European Society of Pediatric Urology (ESPU), from Italy.
  3. Dr. Sherjeel Saulat: Director of Surgeries and Head of the Urology Department at TKI.
  4. Dr. Hasan Serkan Dogan: Hacettepe University, Turkey.

A Global Gathering of Medical Professionals

This intensive four-day course attracted local (from all over Pakistan) and international postgraduate doctors and surgeons, including participants from Italy, Afghanistan, the UAE, Egypt, and Iran. The diverse array of attendees highlighted the global interest in advancing pediatric urology.

Unique Learning Experience

The IPUIC is designed to blend theoretical knowledge with practical exposure. Participants had the chance to learn from top professionals through shared experiences and direct involvement in surgeries. The course allowed participants to scrub in and assist during procedures, providing an unparalleled hands-on experience.

Intensive Learning and Practical Exposure

The course structure was meticulously planned to maximize learning without causing exhaustion. Each day was divided into two sessions, with breaks for tea and lunch. Participants were divided into small batches of six to observe surgeries closely, while others watched the procedures via live HD relay on large screens.

Interactive and Engaging Sessions

Queries raised by participants were addressed on the spot by the faculty, often with practical demonstrations and live treatments. This interactive approach ensured that learning was not only theoretical but also deeply practical and applicable.

Recognition and Certification

Successful participants were awarded certificates and shields, which are recognized by major medical institutions worldwide. These certificates also count towards the participants’ Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours, making them highly valuable for their professional development.

Highlighting Complex Pediatric Surgeries

Dr. Sherjeel Saulat and the TKI medical administration saved the most complex pediatric surgeries for this event. Many of these procedures were supported by the Aziz Tabba Foundation, under which TKI operates, showcasing their commitment to advanced medical education and patient care.

Socializing and Networking Opportunities

To foster camaraderie and networking, Dr. Sherjeel Saulat hosted a dinner at the Karachi Gymkhana. Additionally, participants, the TKI team, and the faculty enjoyed a memorable cruise dinner gala on the Arabian Sea. This four-hour cruise featured cultural songs, dance, and exquisite cuisine, offering a relaxing and exhilarating end to the intensive course.

Conclusion and Celebration

The second IPUIC concluded with a glittering certificate presentation ceremony aboard the cruise. The event ended with much fanfare, celebrating the participants’ achievements and the knowledge gained during this transformative experience.


The International Pediatric Urology Course at Tabba Kidney Institute stands out as a beacon of advanced medical education. The second IPUIC not only provided unparalleled learning opportunities but also fostered global connections and camaraderie among pediatric urologists. As the event continues to grow, it promises to remain a cornerstone in the development of pediatric urology worldwide.

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